I heard something when I was younger that stuck with me: ‘the first thing you think is what you’ve been taught to think; the second is what you actually think’.
Very basically put, polyamory is the idea of having more than one lover or partner.
When you're in an abusive relationship, it is very hard to pinpoint where 'normal' ended and 'this' began.
When you're in an abusive relationship, it is very hard to pinpoint where 'normal' ended and 'this' began.
In July of 2017, I experienced what I have since realised was a spiritual near-death experience.
I have the most wonderfully supportive wife and we’ve made our situation work for us.
It may all look very healthy at the beginning, until something starts to change—in a flash.
Love Valentine’s Day but find yourself single this year? Galentine’s Day is the day for you.