
issue 006

‘If we ain’t talking money, I don’t wanna talk.’ ~ Young Dolph



Many of us grow up learning that money is one of those topics you simply don’t discuss in polite company. You don’t brag about your net worth. You don’t share your salary with colleagues. You try not to ask your friends about their rent, even if it helps put your budget in perspective. You play the ‘how-are-they-affording-their-lifestyle’ game silently, pondering everyone else’s financial situation, but never broaching the subject.

We’re discouraged from talking about money at every turn, but if you want to fix or improve your financial situation, we have to talk about it. If we don’t, we end up proliferating the gender wage gap, stressing about debt in silence, and fretting about the future: all problems that could be halved if shared.

You know what money is; you know what debt is; you know there all sorts of fabulous websites and guides available to explain everything and help you navigate your finances.

So here are some useful, thoughtful pieces about the wage gap, two techniques for dealing with debt, the recession that’s just around the corner, and why it’s okay to spend a lot of money on something. Plus, in case you’re feeling like no one ever sat you down and explained all this stuff, we’ve got every lesson Disney princesses can teach you about finances. Any excuse for a Disney marathon.

To our contributors, thank you. To our readers, enjoy. ■

Jade Sterling



the gender pay gap explained

The pay gap isn’t an employer literally handing 77 cents to a woman and one whole dollar to a man.

The day after tomorrow: the next recession

There’s a storm brewing and it’s just around the corner: a survey of professional economists found that the next recession is predicted to begin at the end of 2020, with the public feeling the effects during 2021.

special feature

touch of joy

Joy McLaughlin-Harris wants other entrepreneurs to learn from her experiences and realise there is a difference in being self-employed and a business owner.

when a woman should have won

There’s a viral post on social media titled: ‘Violet Beauregarde should’ve won Wonka’s chocolate factory.’

girls invest

Girls Invest is a community seeking to simplify finances for your modern girl, built by Jordan Stevens.

special feature

Econ 101 from your favourite disney princesses

What can’t we learn from a Disney fairy tale?

want to write for us?

If you’ve got a story, we want to hear it!

Why you always want just a little bit of debt

Let’s be clear: debt sucks. No arguing there. But if you’re living without a credit card, you’re playing with danger.

Snowballs and avalanches

Picture this: you’ve got three credit cards and they are maxed out. Put aside the panic; we’re going to fix this.

The kitchen staples that will see you through to pay day

And no—you don’t have to reconcile yourself to living off ramen noodles.

coming soon

Issue 007 - Adventure

in defence of your caffeine habit

Interestingly, while coffee is getting more expensive and disposable incomes shrink in many places, Starbucks sales have outpaced lower-priced competitors, particularly in the United States.

in defence of your designer purchases

Hands up who’s spent way more money than they ‘should’ have on a dress, pair of shoes or handbag? And who then felt unnecessarily guilty?

in defence of your expensive handbag

Women everywhere are compelled to shell out substantial sums of money for an item, that at first glance, does nothing a supermarket plastic bag can’t do. But what plastic bag makes you feel as good as a handbag can?

why are we swayed by pretty packaging?

You could ask the same of anything in this life; why do we want it more if it’s pretty?

Quick fix

The two-second things you can do to improve your finances.

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