
issue 001

‘What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candour, and more unashamed conversation’ ~ Glenn Close



If nothing else, mental health is humbling. It was humbling to get my own diagnosis, to realise I lacked the vocabulary to talk about my experiences, and to stand in front of you and ask you to do better than I could. Your responses flooded in. Article contributions are always profusely appreciated, but this? The resilience, eloquence, and positivity was overwhelming. Inspiring. Humbling.

Imagine if ten years ago we’d done the same: made a plea on social media for people to share their mental health stories. We’d have been met with resounding silence for the most part. A diagnosis would have felt shameful—like failure—and need to be shuttered away; we’re fine, everything’s fine. Even in 2018, it can be scary to talk openly about it.

This is why we’re proud to be able to share your stories and honoured to do so. We’re talking depression, anxiety, experiences in rehab and psych wards, and dealing with memory loss. We have advice on supporting yourself and the people you know, on mindfulness and positivity.

Mental health problems don’t discriminate. Nor do they ostracise—not any more.

To our contributors, thank you. To our readers, enjoy. ■

Jade Sterling

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it’s time to change

No one should have to fear being treated differently because of a mental health problem.

Mental health: More than a meme

by Stephanie Todd

There’s a new message to share: it’s okay to not be okay.

Positivity and productivity

by Aimee Went

Taking your mental health diagnosis into your own hands

What is self-care?

While self-care can be picturesque and dreamy, there's more to it than candles and facemasks.

Buddybox: a hug in a box

Here at The Blurt Foundation, we are huge believers in the value of self-care.

Introducing mindfulness

by Emily Campbell

Hot topic of the year, 'mindfulness' is described as 'the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something'.

On the hunt for happiness

by Lisa Stone

How many of us are really sure what ‘happy’ is, and will we even know when we’ve found it?

the depression that won’t go away

by Jade Sterling

I was 19 when I got my diagnosis. I don’t remember feeling sad or overwhelmed, by which I mean I don’t remember feeling depressed. I was just empty. Oh, and self-harming.

Nothing lasts forever

by Tracey Robertson

If my story can show one person who is struggling that there is a way through, then sharing it is worth it.

want to write for us?

If you’ve got a story, we want to hear it.

Can a picture paint a thousand words?

by Lisa Mitchell-Ross

I certainly hope so. I’m relying on it.

Food for thought

(and memories)

Embracing my anxiety

by Georgina Price

Why am I still embarrassed that I suffer from anxiety?

anxiety: what it is and what to do

Help and advice from Anxiety UK

coming soon

Issue 012 - Resilience

Finding control in epilepsy

by Gemma Mills

Being diagnosed with anything is huge. Frontal lobe epilepsy is no different.

A normal day


Heading back to work after time off with my OCD

looking after your mental health

7 simple ways to keep mentally healthy
