issue 003

Stop limiting your potential. Realise that there’s an unlimited amount of things that you can do with your life.’ ~ Sonya Parker



I had lofty ambitions as a child. I wanted to be the first female Red Arrows pilot; I'm not sure why I thought I had what it took to join the world's premier aerobatics display team, but I had a dream, alright.

Needless to say, I did not achieve this; not only was I beaten to the post by Flt Lt Kirsty Stewart in 2010, but I tried flying and was hopeless. It's most likely for the best this one didn't pan out.

Not all dreams can come true but at the risk of sounding cheesy, it's the journey, not the destination, that counts. Welcome to Limitless: this is all about going for your dreams no matter what. It's about standing up for yourself, ignoring the naysayers and diving headfirst into your ambitions. We are limitless in our drive and our ambition, and we want this edition to inspire and empower you to take the leap of faith you need in whatever walk of life you desire. Limitless is also dedicated to pushing through and surviving the dark times; to navigating grief and adversity.

We can't all be Red Arrows pilots, but we can all try. Don't set limits for yourself: 'there's no such word as can't'.

To our contributors, thank you. To our readers, enjoy. ■

Jade Sterling



you are limitless

It's not too late to be what you always wanted to be.

Racing ahead: amna al qubaisi

‘I’m very proud to be representing women in general and Arabian women in particular.’

Seeking strength through silence

by Kate Cameron

Vipassana felt like a kind of cosmic secret that only those who had experienced could understand.

want to write for us?

If you’ve got a story, we want to hear it.

Any jobs out there for me?

by Georgia Tendall

As someone with a solid record of emotional resilience, I did not anticipate how much the job hunting process would bruise my mental health.

Is it time for a new job?

by Gemma Mills

Can you identify the signs and when it might be time to move onto pastures new?

Conquering a new city

by Fiona Sharland

Tips for going it alone

coming soon

Issue 004 - Relationships

travelling with chronic fatigue syndrome is absolutely possible

by Kathryn Stone

My travels have reminded me that I don’t have to give everything up, just because I’m sick.

How do you do it?

by Esther Irving

The world turned upside down in the Irving household when Mr I was diagnosed with cancer.

Literacy is a vital component of empowerment

Literacy benefits individuals, families, communities and nations with literacy skills fundamental to personal empowerment—especially for women.

