Buddybox: A hug in a box


Here at The Blurt Foundation, we are huge believers in the value of self-care.

Self-care is a hot topic at the moment, with an ever-growing number of blogs, articles, and social media posts extolling its virtues. Frustratingly, this prevalence means that self-care is often dismissed as indulgent, superficial, or, worst of all, selfish. Here at The Blurt Foundation, we are huge believers in the value of self-care. It’s not just a buzzword, and it’s definitely not selfish. We can’t stand the concept of self-care being diluted, and receiving an unfair backlash.

We believe that self-care is a recovery tool, a preventative measure, and a tool for growth.

It’s accessible to us all, and helps us to take responsibility for our own happiness. Self-care encompasses the actions we undertake to look after ourselves, physically, emotionally and mentally. It incorporates essential acts of care, like eating and sleeping well, keeping ourselves clean, and drinking enough water. On top of that though, self-care is what nourishes us: the things we do that comfort us, calm us, and make us feel good.

Self-care is far from easy. Making time to nurture ourselves can feel like an unnecessary effort. We tell ourselves we don’t need it, and we don’t deserve it. That it’s pointless and selfish. But self-care isn’t selfish: it’s essential. We can’t do or be all the things we want to without taking care of ourselves. A car can’t keep driving forever without some kind of maintenance. We’re exactly the same.

We might be raring to go with self-care, but not know where to start, or not 100 percent certain what self-care even is. It doesn’t help that what counts as self-care differs—what helps one person, might leave another cold. On top of that, as we grow, change, and develop, our self-care needs to change too. Self-care is always a work in progress—but it is so worth the effort. At Blurt, we’ve published a number of blog posts on self-care topics: find them here.

Many of us only turn to self-care when life has knocked us to our knees. It helps us regain our strength, our sense of self, and re-calibrate. Yet, cultivating a self-care practice can act as a preventative measure against the harder times or at least teach us about what works for us, and what doesn’t, as we evolve and grow.

We designed our BuddyBox to encourage and inspire self-care. It’s a subscription box with substance, designed to counter the pressures we face in modern life. Packed full of thoughtful, mood-lifting treats, the BuddyBox comforts, delights and gives you that warm, ‘I’ve been cared for’ feeling inside.

In other words—it’s a hug in a box.

We select five thoughtful treats to pack inside each month’s uniquely themed box. All items are full-sized, universal (suitable for any gender or age group) and carefully chosen to comfort, inspire or uplift. We also pop an exclusively designed postcard inside each box, alongside our affirming in-house maga-‘Zine’.

BuddyBox is available in full or ‘Lite’ size on a rolling subscription, or as a one-off box. We also sell historical boxes via our BuddyBox On Demand service: excellent for those that don’t like surprises, or need a box straight away. You can find out more about BuddyBox here.
