Anxiety: What it is and what to do


Help and advice from Anxiety UK

Anxiety is the feeling you have when you believe that something unpleasant is going to happen and for which you must be fearful. It’s a normal human response and something that everyone experiences from time to time when faced with situations that are challenging or threatening. Research shows 1 in 5 people experience some manifestation of anxiety to a troubling degree at some time in their lives. When anxiety is experienced in situations where there is no threat or when it is disproportionate to the situation faced, this could be a sign that normal stress and anxiety have become an anxiety disorder. At this point, it is sensible to seek help.

A good place to start is to seek the support of your GP who can make you aware of services available in your local area. They may also discuss the option of taking medications such as antidepressants which often have an anti-anxiety component and can be useful in the treatment of anxiety.


There are also many things that you can do yourself to assist with lowering levels of anxiety:

Generally, relaxation training is helpful in dealing with the physical symptoms of anxiety as is exercise. Thought-stopping techniques, distraction, self-help resources, and talking therapy treatments are useful ways of tackling anxiety and the various physical, physiological and behavioural symptoms. Paying attention to your diet is also important; avoiding foods high in sugar and limiting your caffeine intake plays a role in the management of anxiety. Similarly, ensuring you get a good night’s sleep is also crucial as there is a well-established link between sleep and mood.

Additionally, membership with Anxiety UK will provide you with a year’s free subscription to the popular mindfulness and meditation app, Headspace, which can assist with breathing exercises and much more.

Anxiety UK has an extensive range of therapy services through its national Approved Therapy service that offers access to a wide range of talking therapy treatments as well as access to a clinical acupuncture national service. Additionally, CBT and counselling are available via webcam and over the phone.

Effective talking therapies

Cognitive behavioural therapy

The basis of CBT is that what people think affects how they feel emotionally and also alters what they do behaviourally. CBT looks to challenge negative thinking styles and thoughts and has been found to be extremely useful in the treatment of anxiety—it’s recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).


Counselling is a form of talking therapy that allows you to speak openly about your feelings. It can help you process any negative thoughts and work through problems you are struggling with. A counsellor is trained to provide you a safe environment to express yourself and will listen without judgement.

Clinical hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis and guided imagery for the treatment and alleviation of a variety of physical and psychological symptoms. Hypnosis allows the subject to experience often quite deep levels of relaxation and so helps to reduce levels of stress and anxiety.


If you can’t wait a few days to see a therapist and feel that you need help now, Anxiety UK also has a new Digital Online Therapy Service where you can speak to a therapist on demand via a bespoke online platform.

Self-help resources are an excellent tool to utilise in tandem with therapy. They serve as a reminder of specific techniques once therapy has ended so you can continue to practice good habits learnt in your own time and apply them in your day to day living. Anxiety UK has a range of books available which use CBT techniques. The ‘Overcoming Series’ evidence based-CBT underpinned books cover different anxiety conditions including Health Anxiety, Social Anxiety, OCD, and GAD to name a few. These are all available on Anxiety UK’s website.


• Anxiety is completely normal.

• Anxiety generally cannot harm you.

• Most people experience anxiety at some point in their lives.

• Anxiety does not mean weakness.

• It is possible to learn to manage anxiety effectively.
