What is hyperdimensional computing?


Hyper-Dimensional Computing Challenges and Opportunities for AI Applications

So basically…

The original computers were designed around a human brain model. Since then, developments in artificial intelligence and computer science continue to take inspiration from the brain.

Although there’s a very long way to go until we can achieve a computing system that matches the efficiency of the human brain for cognitive tasks, several brain-inspired computing paradigms are being researched. Hyperdimensional computing is one such paradigm with particular potential since it can learn from patterns much like the human brain.

If you look at a chair missing a leg, you understand that doesn’t mean it’s no longer a chair. An AI system may look at this three-legged chair and decide it is a completely new object that needs a new classification. Hyperdimensional computing, however, will recognise certain features that tell it the three-legged chair is similar enough to what is knows definitely is a chair, allowing it to learn and extrapolate from its memory.

Clever, indeed, but this way of computing also means it doesn’t need as much computing power to perform complex calculations, making it appropriate for ‘edge’ computing, which refers to computing that’s done at or near the source of data, such as in autonomous vehicles.

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