Designating a feminine role or identity
Perceived by many as implying inferiority or insignificance, -ette turns the tables giving the female voice to the topics impacting the modern woman.
Women's empowerment is the process in which women expand and recreate what it is they can be, do, and accomplish. We firmly believe women must empower themselves and run their own lives; and we're here to help.
-ette covers everything important to female empowerment: from how the news affects the life you lead to how you can inspire and help others, with the whole wide world in between.
We believe in female solidarity and succeeding together. We will never patronise, disparage or belittle and we endeavour to support you in everything you do.
For this, we need your help. Alone, we do not have the history or authority to comment on the life experiences of women of colour, disabled women, LGBTQ women or any woman who experiences marginalisation outside the scope of the discrimination faced by the middle-class white woman. We humbly ask you to join our community and get involved. We need women around the world to help us ensure -ette resonates with all women, not just a small subsection.
You can join our community on Instagram and Facebook and if you’ve got a story to tell, you can get in touch here.
Your stories need to be heard; we want to tell them.